Anxiety, Guilt & Depression due to loss in casino

Come Out From The Guilt, Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide After Losing The Money In The Gambling

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Today I am writing this post to save thousands of lives from guilt, depression, anxiety, and suicidal conditions happening because of losing everything in casinos or gambling. “Depression due to loss in casino” is the main topic of dicsussion for us.

Myself have been a victim of depression, anxiety, and guilt feeling for more than 10 years due to losing everything.

Finally, I came to know how to control it and what’s the truth and fear of losing everything.

With my own experience of depression and anxiety, I want to save every one of my casino playing addicted brother and sister.

How Mind Responds for Money in the Casino

The state of mind generates happiness when you win even a small amount while betting. But when you start losing at the casino, you turn a bit serious and gets the feeling “it’s ok to bet more to recover more and win money back”.

But unfortunately, you(casino player) end up losing everything in your life and it’s not just money. Depression due to loss in casino comes in life.

It consists of property, friends and relationships, family, Society, spirituality, positivity and finally your own life and end up getting Guilt, depression, and suicide.

But don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong with yourself or with anyone else. I’ll explain to you why?

It is just a matter of your thought process which turns a positive thing into negative and a negative thing can be turned into positive as well.

I am not going to make anyone fool here but will make you’re future full of happiness and life back on track which carries happiness and positivity.

Just go with my words for whatever next I’m going to write and try to feel the same relating it with you.

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Why Losing Money in Casino or Gambling Should not bring Depression and Anxiety in you

Understand everything with the focus here and don’t jump out of it. It carries a strong connection to Anxiety and Depression.

Do you know how to start a business and become a businessman? You must be knowing it very clearly.

It needs a perfect innovative idea and some money. Innovative ideas come from mind and mind doesn’t charge you anything for providing the idea to you.

Now next thing, where financials come into the picture. Yes, it is the Startup investment you going to do for your business.

To run your own startup, some invest a small portion of his earnings and few high-risk takers stake all of their money into the business. Now, remember that in Business More investment means more risk and more risk means more success.

Now how and where it is relating to gambling and casino loss? And what outcome to be taken from here? Very important for you to focus even more now.

When you went to a casino for the first time, it was for a cause. What was that? Obviously earning some big money and what a businessman does is? Same, earning the big money by investing.

Now Gambling and casino is kind of business for your mind when you went to play and bet on any casino game and due to the less success rate in a specific business like Casino you lost your money.

But this is what we call a risk taker, a true businessman. You have nothing done wrong playing gambling or casino.

You just tried an opportunity of business there and unluckily lost which was expected since every business in the world has the equal amount of possibility of losing and gaining the money.

Wonderful thing is, By losing your money, you have developed in you a risk-taking capability which can be found only in the successful businessman.

let me remind you, this capability will definitely be paid back to you in the future in many ways.

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Finally, How to get rid of Gambling addiction?

The day you’ll come to know that casinos cheat, you’ll stop playing automatically. But the fact that casinos cheat is very hard to be accepted by the addicted players.

I have gone thru that same phase of depression at some time then I put every effort behind understanding the functioning of casinos.

I made some contacts anyhow in the casinos and came to know that i was fool who lost his money just because i was not aware of this basic thing that casino cheats.

It is very obvious if it is equal and fair business for casino then they would also lose sometimes and how will they pay their employees? You never thought that right?

Anyways, then after this shocking fact, i came to know about some patterns which roulette table runs and it is run when casino wants to attract the players to play on table for example, you must be familiar with it already like 11-22-33 comes together sometimes or 0-18-36 comes sometimes and many more numbers. It all depends on patterns designed in roulette software.

I finally, able to get those roulette logarithm codes from him and here starts the real magic.

I created new account and started playing because as i said my account was flagged and i was losing because of the casino cheatings only.

Using that codes, i identified the patterns very easily and started playing since it was new account, it was no cheating with me and i just kept running those codes and i made around 4000 GBP and then i started withdrawing 250-300 GBP every day otherwise they would not have paid me that big amount in return.

After few withdrawals i tried to play with 200 GBP and you’ll be shocked to know that the same pattern was running for around 45-50 spins continuously and whenever i bet the ball just jump and go next pocket(Not pattern change) but to make me lose they cheated and this happened many times and because i wanted to be sure that they cheat i lost all 200 GBP without even a single win and all spins i bet were jumped only 1 pocket. i made around 10-12 bets for it, and results were horrifying.

Now, my mind was relaxed and calm even after the depression due to loss in casino because i have finally found the proof that they cheat, i never wanted to understand even after casino employee himself told me, but this experience made me clear about there business and that’s how i finally left gambling.

Now, you leave the gambling today or if you want to be sure for the final time? then, you may use that strategy this is called SUPER 36  and it has all roulette codes available. There are 2 patterns, right and left, whichever runs continuously is the best suggested one to follow. 

My idea is not to put you in gambling again, but i want you to understand their business clearly and accept the fact that they actually cheat and once you already know that you’ll always lose, you’ll never go back to casinos.

So, if you accept, what i said that “don’t gamble they cheat with us” then it is perfect and leave gambling today. And if you still want to waste your money, they try this app out SUPER 36 CODES, you’ll see that same pattern is running but you only lose when you bet if your account is flagged otherwise you may win easily as well. And before trying, promise yourself this is the last time you want to be sure that they cheat and you’ll accept the fact of cheating after your loss and will never come back to gambling after this.

You may follow the below-mentioned video for understanding the accuracy of SUPER 36 Roulette Software in the best and easy possible way.



No Guilt, No Tension, No Anxiety, No Depression and No suicides please.

Life is wonderful and is meant to teach us lessons from each book. This is perfectly fine and common.

Some get the chance to learn few things and very few get the chance to learn everything. And understand the fact that learning never goes waste.

What I Need From You in Return of depression and anxiety solution

I don’t need anything from you my dear fellow gamblers and casino playing brothers and sisters.

The phase of life I have gone thru can’t be described. But if you have reached that far to reach this post then it is very obvious that you have experienced it too and understand what I went thru.

The only Favour You can do is to save someone from depression, anxiety, and emotional breakdown. You can share this to people in your own way. No compulsions at all.

And One more thing, In future I know it is hard to leave gambling but you can be sure of taking it as Fun and entertainment only but not your business. Because it was the business side of casino and gambling you saw to earn money thru whole life investments.

And a business which took all of the money doesn’t worth another try. Better look out for some other business options.

You are not a failure, you have learned many things and stood up again to be an entrepreneur with new required capability of taking the risk. 

God bless you all and be happy always, spread happiness everywhere.

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Suicide Because of Gambling

If you trust me, please go thru this page with a proper and focused read from the beginning.

It will take maximum 5 minutes and will answer everything related to suicide related to gambling.

I am answering these questions since I have gone through the same phase and have learned enough to save the lives from suicides of gambling addiction.

How To Recover From A Big Gambling Loss

Remember, that you have already recovered from a big depression due to loss in casino or in gambling.

How? The day you become serious and get your learning then only one can ask such questions.

To recover from gambling losses, you need to look out for the work which is related or not to the casino. Why Casino? since everyone should do the work which he/she is best at.

Now if you have spent most of your life with a focus in the casinos and gambling then it’s the best for you to use your expertise in joining any casino as an employee or start your commission-based affiliate programs which pay handsome money in both land-based and online casino.

Other than that, your fighting spirit to fight the depression due to loss in casino or in gambling has made you capable of taking risks in life and this capability works best in businesses.

Get an idea in mind and start your own business in something you feel you are good at. Get the loan from banks and succeed in life. My wishes are with you.

Lost All My Money Gambling

This is nothing new, every addicted gambler does that and you are not alone.

You are part of the family of such gamblers who has lost everything. But there is nothing bad in it to have guilt and sorry for yourself.

I request you to give this page a read to understand losing at the casino was never just as bad thing instead it has learned for you as well with building new possibilities in you of being capable and becoming a businessman.


How To Stop Gambling And Save Money

For Gambling addicts, it is very hard to fight between the mind and heart to stop and playing the casino games for saving money.

The only way I have found is to divert your mind from making money from playing gambling to some other opportunities where you won’t get yourself harm.

For an example, I have started this website and providing true reviews of online casinos who pay the customers without cheating.

This was I have connected to the gambling also and instead of playing I’m earning some small commissions referring players yo genuine casinos.

Remember, if I won’t send them to the best online casinos then they will go somewhere else from someone’s else website where they will lose money.

So this way I’m benefiting both the player and myself. Being connected to casino and gambling, earning money without playing in the casino which is safe and returning back my money spent at casinos in the past because I learned something from there and it’s my learning and expertise who is paying back.

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I Lost My House In Gambling

Not a big thing when one talks about the gambling addiction and its effects on players which includes depression, guilt, and suicide.

The casino related depression is a sick mind who plays with your feelings and emotions pushing it towards the worst.

But you need to understand it from the root and for the same please go at the top and read the first paragraph where we have discussed the casino induced depression, suicide, and guilt.

How To Get Money Back From Gambling Sites

If you get gambling sites as an enemy then it is even getting worse because you are going to bet big to beat the casino and those cheated casinos will not let you go with a fair win.

The best way is to check your pocket and how open you are to lose the money which gets you in trouble with suicide, depression or guilt.

Suicide Because Of The Gambling Loss

You need not suicide because of losses incurred through gambling.

why? To understand that you need to provide the 5 minutes of your precious to this article. Just give this page a read from the beginning and see what best has happened to you.

How To Stop Feeling Bad About Gambling Losses

You should not feel bad or depression due to loss in casino or in the gambling as there is always the best thing behind it hidden to open up a certain world of opportunities for you. Get the best feeling of positivity in you.

Below mentioned Casinos are one of the best online casinos and i request you to play them only as a fun and entertainment. 

List Of Best Highly Paying Online Casinos (Our Recommendations)

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