#1 Online Casino – reviews for best online casinos

#1 Online Casino Reviews Site For Best Online Casinos

The functionality of online casinos, that are present globally are listed by random survey companies and websites at different positions in the tally on the reviews scale starting from #1 to #10.

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But does it really take the attention of the online gamblers? Yes, it does. And should the online casino players need to give it an attention? No, it should not.


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But unfortunately, we all are the one who believes in what we see. Most of the times without even giving it a second thought or many times even we do not bother to give it a first thought.

The reality behind the advertisements or surveys is as difficult to understand as it could be. It is really a matter of concern for online casino players who often look for reviews for “#1 site for best online casinos” on the internet.

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Just give it a logical thought, when you search out for a #1 site for best online casinos based on reviews on google or somewhere else.

Do you really find the #1 site of online casinos? Maybe or maybe not. why? because when you search out for the term like best online casino or #1 site for the online casino it shows you 5-10 links and each has separate links. If there is really a #1 website for online casinos based on players reviews at least top 5-10 should have 2-3 websites in common.

But again, when you go and look at different websites for the list of online casino reviews there is no common website available with common reviews. This simply means we as players are getting trapped and losing our own money there

As a professional gambler, each player needs to have sharp eyes and a curious mind as well behind the operation and management of all of those online casinos. And above that marketing is not an exception, you should focus even more on it.

Now the point is how to get rid of fake reviews on internet related to online casinos. There is a very basic list of points which you can check and try to do it before putting your whole life hard earned money to those fake casinos. Below mentioned are some important points to find out the #1 best online casino with your own experienced reviews. Please follow the points and then find the best #1 online casino for you.

  • Do not click the link with “Ad” on google search engine results. This “Ad” stands for the advertisements which are made available at the top as these online casinos have paid Google to get them at Rank #1 or at the top in the search. These are known as Google Adwords i.e. Paid Marketing done through Google using the Google Adwords tool. 
  • Try to do thorough research on other links. And remember these should not be the online casino’s website itself as everyone says them-self the best. Try to find a common online casino name with the best reviews on different websites. After filtering out the selected few common online casinos based on their reviews, check their website carefully. What to observe? See the next point.
  • Please try to find the Logo of regulated authorities which regulate all the online casinos and have a strict rule for them if the cheat with players. One of the organization is the UK Gambling Commission which provides the licenses to online casinos and not abiding the terms of regulations online casinos may lose their licenses. There must be some other logos as well like 18+ and “Be Gamble aware”. These all are the directives given by regulatory bodies to the online casinos to have them as part of their website. It’s a must comply condition to run an online casino.
  • Though fake website also can paste such logos on their website still few things you need to do with smartness. Please try to check the payout proof’s if any uploaded by any gambler as I did at the end of this Post.
  • After all that, you can proceed to register at the online casino which you have chosen. Remember, each field filled by you should be very true and you should have a proof of it i.e. proof of identity & address, which you are providing to these casinos. Not doing it correctly will help those casinos with a point of non-verification of your account and obviously no payout till you verify. And many of them won’t let you update your details once mentioned during registration. So, be very precise during registration. 
  • Deposit a small amount to it and try to play with your strategy. In case you need some help from us then better you follow this link on roulette strategies.
  • Make a small winning target and after that straight away go for the payout request. Remember, if your account is verified by submitting the ID and address proof they should proceed your payments and you should get it in your account within 24 hrs if it is wallet based or online banking platforms like Neteller or Skrill. For other payment options and timing, you can check respective online casino website.
  • Once you receive the payments, now it is sure that this online casino is really a #1 online casino based on reviews of your own experience.

By following these steps you can save yourself from fake advertising of online casinos and their reviews. You can now play and enjoy happily with your favorite games at online casinos of your choice.

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Note*: As promised above we are posting the proof of payout from one of our suggested  #1 online casinos with our own experience and reviews. The video contains some part of winning that was withdrawn. Also, Providing below the list of few online casinos which are in our suggested list of #1 site for the best online casino.

Proof of 150,000 AUD:

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